Friday, June 29, 2012

Post Show Blues?

26.2.   13.1.   4%.   12%.   2:59:59.   13-0.

If you’re an athlete, chances are one of these numbers means something to you.  A race, a bodybuilding/figure competition, triathlon, series record…the list is endless.  You train tirelessly – putting your work, your hobbies and sometimes even your friends and family in second place in pursuit of your goal.  You have probably stated at some point during your training, “I can’t wait to be done with this ________ so I can __________!” 

So why is it that you  endure such pain and sacrifice  to accomplish your goal, make a list of all of the things you  are going to do when your event is over and train, train, TRAIN  to reach your goal and…

BAM! You feel depressed the day after.

WTH?! You dreamed of this day! You’ve told the Facebook universe everything there is to know about this day! You made your list! Now you can do ________ because your ________ is over!! You can’t believe you feel this way…..this was supposed to be magical.

And it’s not.

The post show blues are COMMON and MANY people experience them after a major life event! All the preparing, planning, training, excitement and anticipation is over. You may not feel any motivation, but the truth is, you are probably HIGHLY MOTIVATED, successful (and surely attractive!).

Ding, ding!!! We have our culprit – motivation.

To understand why you feel this way, and how to move past it, you must know what motivates you! It’s not the race, the competition or the event….it’s most likely everything ELSE that goes along with it!

Step back to 9th grade science class with me. Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? It tells us everything we need to know about motivation and reaching our full potential.  Here’s a look:

As a highly, motivated and attractive person, you have climbed to the top of the pyramid.  Let’s keep YOU moving forward!

1.  Basic Survival Needs – Food. Clothing. Shelter. Air. Yes, you need this to survive. This is your ticket into the motivation game.

2. Security Needs – Personal and financial security. Well-being. Freedom from fear. Without a sense of security and well-being in our daily lives, it will be hard to focus on realizing your full potential.

3. Love and Belonging – This is where life gets fun.  Ever think that maybe the reason you ENJOY your hobby so much is because of the camaraderie that goes along with it? For the past several weeks or months, YOU have been part of an exclusive club.  Dedicated members only.  You train with this group, you have inside jokes, you post about your training on Facebook. You are special…you BELONG! 

Now that club has disbanded a bit… the common goal event is over. People move on to other interests or goals. BUT, this is exactly where you start to recover from the blues! Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean your belonging has to end.  Some ideas to consider:

·       Re-Group! Find other interests in common with your “group” and schedule events as soon as possible. Maybe they now revolve around family, traveling, food or other active interests.

·       Make Plans! Make plans with your family and friends – you know, the ones that have been waiting for you while you’ve been training!!?  Schedule outings to look forward to – anything to create new anticipation and enjoyment.

    4.  Self-Esteem – Studies have shown that competing in sports/athletics is great for a child’s self-esteem. You as an adult are no different! It builds self-confidence, pride, stamina and recognition! NO, you are NOT being egotistical, these things are healthy! Keep your self-esteem moving in the right direction by finding other ways to accomplish the feeling of pride and recognition:

·       Get Feedback! Just because you finished your first event, doesn’t mean that there isn’t room to improve for next time.  Contact experts, judges and fellow competitors…get feedback on how to improve your performance. Make a plan to act on the changes – MOVE FORWARD! People will be inspired by your continued progress.

·       Mentor Others! You didn’t accomplish your level of success on your own, right? Reach out to newbies in your sport.  It will provide you focus and a sense of accomplishment that will not only keep you in the group (belonging!!) but give you pride to see them do well with your help (esteem!!). 

    5. Self-Actualization – This is the peak of the motivational process that makes you FEEL GOOD and keeps you striving for excellence.  For some of you, it’s filling a need or a void. For the rest of you, it’s the constant drive to be one second faster, stronger, harder, leaner, quicker, etc.

·       Set NEW goals! You may be surprised at what you have already accomplished. What else are you capable of? Find a larger race or competition or a more challenging course.  If you need help holding yourself accountable or getting started, tell your Facebook friends about it J

·       Try something NEW! Maybe you’ve crossed the race or competition off of your bucket list.  What else can you accomplish?  Trying something new not only presents a new challenge, but it creates an OPPORTUNITY to find a new group (belonging!!), achieve new goals (self-esteem!!) and further maximize your potential (self-actualization!!). 

Post show blues are COMMON, but the key is to understand WHY you feel this way so you can do something about it.  It’s also common to grieve a bit after the event. WHY? Because you have lost something – whether it’s your  training group, your focus or even the adrenaline of anticipation, you must allow  time to regroup.  BUT, don’t let the pity party last forever.  Give yourself and ending time and make it stick. Then, GET MOVING on those new endeavors!!

Recognizing what truly motivates you (it’s not the event!) can keep you moving in the right direction and realizing EVERYTHING you’re capable of…and hopefully help you uncover a few surprises about your potential along the way.

Keeping YOU NDN strong…

Kelli Hinshaw
Marketing Officer/Management Professor/Mom
NPC National Bikini Competitor

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